Literary Lesbians
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
AUGUST: Winter Warmers

Well, this month's reading group meeting was an absolute riot. Thanks to Ange for hosting and for proving that she is, in fact, Nigella Lawson in disguise. Those baby quiches were divine (and oh so gay)!
There was a selection of books for us to have a giggle about this month. And I think many went home on loan to people other than their owners! At first everyone just kind of nervously looked at the selection in the middle of the floor. Everyone except for Lynnie, that is, who was reading away as fast as she could and looked quite peturbed when the discussion started to interrupt her education!
Sal took the lead by reading out some of her favourite parts of Box Lunch. There was general hilarity at chapters entitled things like "Learn to Love your Butt" (or was it more graphic than that?)! Box Lunch also had quite an extensive list of terms for vagina, which led to more laughter. The Straight Girl's Guide to Sleeping with Chicks was also good value, particularly for its definitions of terms such as "Lickety Split", "Hasbian", "Pillow Queen" and "Vanilla Lesbian". The group had quite a vocabulary lesson!
There was some debate about the veracity of some of the claims made. For example, is it REALLY true that all women can orgasm after 20 minutes of clitoral stimulation? Rosie's quote of the night: "Twenty minutes? That seems a bit long"! Nai also gets a special mention for her consistent theme of "it's all about me" - could she be a "pillow queen"?!!! Not surprisingly, the conversation got sidetracked into sex toys and their size, colour, appropriate use and pet names! Sam also shared her wealth of knowledge about dental dams (based on years of involvement with AIDS Councils, not so much personal experience)!
I'm not sure how much else I can write here without breaking the rules: What is said at book group stays at book group!
The night ended with everyone playing The L-Game, currently in prototype form. Even though things were a little bit unfinished, and the dice-spinner-thingy kept sticking, the game seemed to be a success. Amy thought it was a little bit too much like real life, especially when her game-girlfriends dumped her and took all her money! Amy's rendition of the cheer routine for the Sappho Soccer Team was truly inspired. Closely followed by Lynnie singing the words from a part of The Straight Girl's Guide to Sleeping with Chicks to the tune of Advance Australia Fair. Sally's ten pushups were also an inspiration to us all.
Stay tuned for the next exciting episode in the lives of the Literary Lesbians!
Oh, and please note that we've had to change the order of the books for the next three months due to difficulties getting hold of Cat Catcher in time for September. Wild Surmise is now the next book on the list. See you in early October to talk about that one.