Literary Lesbians
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Literary Lesbians on JOY FM, 15 September 2008
You can hear a podcast of the interview by clicking here.
Here's a rough outline of how the interview progressed:
Why lesbian book group?
A good excuse to get the girls together over a wine. Bridge wonders whether we need a book group to do that - we explain that you learn all sorts of things you otherwise wouldn't know about each other when discussing books (especially when they involve lesbian sex scenes)! Bridge remembered that at the last book group dinner she saw that we were pretty tough critics on the sex scenes!
What were our favourite books?
Unanimous support for "The Case of the Not-So-Nice Nurse" by Mabel Maney. Bridge said that she loved Rubyfruit Jungle and we agreed that most of book group had enjoyed that book too. Sam also is a big fan of "The Straight Girl's Guide to Sleeping with Chicks" and explained how she had once bought three copies, much to the checkout operator's surprise. When she looked at Sam with wide eyes, Sam explained "they're gifts", at which her eyes opened even further and she blushed!
Is Sam seriously addicted to reading?
Yes, Sam is constantly reading: cereal packets, notices on trams, the fine print on the back of tickets....
Is text-messaging the new love letter?
Sam explains that she's more than happy with the idea. She'll accept love letters by smoke signal, carrier pigeon, email, text...
Why the name Literary Lesbians? It's kind of hard to say.
We thought of the L-Word, but there was already another group with that name. We also quite liked the Clit Lit book club. Bridge starts calling us the Cliterary Lesbians.
Bridge read our website and thought our competition for how to explain what a strap-on dildo was to customs was funny.
We read out some of the ideas.
What sort of books would you like to see more of?
Better plotlines. Not just the old cliche of confident butch lesbian seducing femme straight girl. More 'real' sex scenes. Discussion about how we are convinced that some of the books we've read were written by men.
What was the first lesbian book you read?
Sal - a pillow book of soft erotica.
Sam - Well of Loneliness
That's about all I can remember! There was quite a bit of laughter, and texts in from book group members and others listening. Thanks for your support everyone! Special thanks to Kel and Brooke who described Sam as "the next Alice Pieszeki" - the highest praise possible! ;)

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